Rachel Howard

Rachel Howard

Power Source Facilitator


We are all the sum of our many parts- the daughter/son, the spouse, the parent, the employee/boss as well as the perfectionist, the hard worker, the warrior, the loudmouth or the meek, etc.

Because we separate ourselves into all of these parts, we never feel quite complete. We wonder if there is something wrong with us- why aren't we happy, in a great relationship, living our purpose, etc?

We also long for community. We long to have our freedom and yet be part of the whole, a group or a couple- really have that sense of belonging. We find ourselves yearning for something outside of ourselves- not knowing exactly what that could be.

I am Rachel Howard and I can help you get clear on who you really are and help you to truly feel whole and complete. I will help you to embrace your true self and let go of what no longer serves you. I can help you see the blocks that are holding you back from living your bliss. Most of all, I teach you how to heal yourself so you feel more empowered to move forward in your life and live and love fully!

I specialize in sexuality and sensuality, healing trauma from abuse and neglect (by yourself and others) as well as grief. I have studied Tantra for over 10 years, am a Certified Coach of CTE (Clearing Toxic Emotions)TM and RCF (Repairing Core Fractures)TM - both through International Best Selling Author and Coach Dawn Clark. I am also a Certified Sex Coach through world renowned Sexologist Jaiya Ma- specializing in her Erotic Blueprint BreakthroughTM (featured in the Netflix series Sex, Love and Goop). In addition I am trained in other modalities such as EFT/Tapping, the LoveJoy Technique, meditation and Shamanic work as well as many other modalities.

I look forward to working with you either one on one or through one of our group sessions. It's time to be in our power. It's time to live our truth. It's time to heal and empower ourselves and it's time to come together- as a tribe- to heal ourselves and this planet. Please join me!

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Rachel Howard

Los Angeles, CA


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